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Historical Museums in NYC

Learn about the past when you step into a historical museum in NYC. You can learn about ancient cultures, world-changing events and much more at NYC history museums. With some of the best museums in the country you won't want to miss the history museums New York City has to offer.

American Museum of Natural History

World Famous History Museum in NYC!

This enthralling historical museum in New York City is one of the most famous in the world. Millions of specimens, fossils, bones and artifacts are on display at the American Museum of Natural History. There is plenty to see and do here for people of all ages. Kids will especially love the hall of dinosaurs where they can see a T-rex skeleton loom over them and can truly appreciate the garganutuan size of their favorite giant lizards. 


Dioramas of historic life in cultures from around the world, animal habitats and life under the sea are sure to captivate you. Be sure to check out the famous Hall of African Mammals! Tickets at this NYC history museum are a suggested donation of $19 per adult, but visitors may pay however little or much they wish. The American Museum of Natural History is open daily from 10am to 5:45pm and closed on Thanksgiving and Christmas day.

Tenement Museum

Fascinating Historical Museum in NYC!

Take a step back through history when you visit the Tenement Museum. Located within a restored tenement building, each floor of this museum is decorated in period furnishings from a different time period in its history. Learn about the hardships New Yorkers had had to live with during the Great Depression, find out about the difficult lives of sweatshop workers in the 1800s and taste what foods immigrants in NYC's early history would have eaten.


Various types of tours are available, some with tour guides, others with actors in period garb who represent the type of person who might have lived in the tenement house. Open 10am thorugh 6pm every day except Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years Day.