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Marine Park

Marine Park

Brooklyn’s School in Nature

Marine Park is the largest state park in Brooklyn. It is one of the most favorite places for outdoor gatherings with friends and family. The park has plenty of room to serve a lot of needs: golf courses, basketball and tennis courts, football and cricket fields, fitness equipment, showers, etc. And it is a perfect place for picnicking, too.


You can wander along the Gerritsen Creek Nature Trail and watch unique regional flora and fauna, or visit the Salt Marsh Nature Center where myrtle warblers, grasshopper sparrows, cottontail rabbits, ring-necked pheasants, horseshoe crabs, and oyster toadfish can be found.

Location: Filmore Avenue, Brooklyn, NY, 11234
Visit Website: View Website
Phone: 212-639-9675
Counties Served:
Filmore Avenue, Brooklyn, NY, 11234