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Dance Classes New York

Find the most affordable dance lessons New York has to offer when you search through our comprehensive guide to dance classes in New York.  Search for all types of New York dance classes; from salsa classes to tango lessons to ballroom dancing lessons!

ballet classes new york

Ballet Classes in NY

From prestigious ballet schools to little tiny venues, find all types of places where you attend ballet classes in NY. Take advantage of our guide and sign up for some of the best ballet classes New York has to offer!

Category of Ballet Classes in NY
ballroom dance lessons in ny

Ballroom Dance Lessons in NY

Choose from an assortment of ballroom dance lessons in NY and find one that best fits your budgetary needs. Read about all types of ballroom dance classes in New York, including ones that cater to students of all ages and abilities.

Category of Ballroom Dance Lessons in NY
belly dancing classes in ny

Belly Dancing Classes in NY

Enjoy a fun, delightful, and sexy workout when you sign up for any of these great belly dancing classes in NY. Learn belly dancing moves from trained professionals, who will teach you the art of belly dancing in a way that's simple and enjoyable.

Category of Belly Dancing Classes in NY
hip hop dance classes new york

Hip Hop Dance Classes in NY

Sign up for some of the best hip hop dance classes New York has to offer at a variety of studios throughout NYC and the rest of the state. Learn to dance hip hop in New York from some of the most talented and skilled instructors.

Category of Hip Hop Dance Classes in NY
irish dance schools in ny

Irish Dance Schools in NY

Learn traditional and other forms of Irish dancing at one of these wonderful Irish dance schools in NY. Take Irish dance classes in NY today, and immerse yourself in the beauty of Irish culture through the joy of dance.

Category of Irish Dance Schools in NY
latin dance classes in ny

Latin Dance Classes in NY

Find latin dance classes in NY that fit your budget and needs. Read detailed information about booking latin dance lessons in New York.

Category of Latin Dance Classes in NY
pole dancing classes ny

Pole Dancing Classes in NY

Find some of the best pole dancing classes NY has to offer in our informative guide to New York pole dancing classes! Learn to pole dance in NY from experienced professionals, who will explain the process in a way that is easy for you to understand.

Category of Pole Dancing Classes in NY
swing dance lessons new york

Swing Dance Lessons in NY

Search for some of the best swing dance lessons New York has to offer in our detailed, comprehensive guide to dance classes in NY. Learn to swing dance in NY today!

Category of Swing Dance Lessons in NY