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The Evolution of Hip-Hop

The Evolution of Hip-Hop

The Evolution of Hip Hop Music Video Party!

Tired of the same old Birthday Parties? We’ve got a solution for you!  At The Evolution of Hip Hop you can come learn to dance like Justin Bieber, break it down like Beyonce, or moonwalk like Michael in your very own dance class to the moves of your favorite music video!  Your child and their friends will have their own choreographer in a large dance studio smack in the middle of NYC.  Call us today at (877) 268-0095 or check our packages on our website at Become part of the Evolution!


View our full page listing for more information!

Location: 520 Eighth Avenue, New York, NY,
Visit Website: View Website
Phone: 877-268-0995
Counties Served:
520 Eighth Avenue, New York, NY,